
C. J. recently completed baseball for 2011.  In the Spring he played for the Robert E. Lee High School Freshman Team.

In the Summer he played for the Dallas Patriots ETx 16U.  There was a tournament every weekend in June and July.  Most in the Dallas area, with some in Austin.

A highlight was a trip to Stillwater, OK to play at Allie P. Reynolds Stadium on the campus of Oklahoma State University.  It was 112 degrees that weekend.

Another highlight was the tournament at QuikTrip Park, home of the Grand Prairie Air Hogs of the American Association.

It was a long hot summer with a lot of traveling, but we loved it!  The Patriots, who were all 15 years old playing in a 16 year old league  finished the summer season 20-19-1.

Coach Travis Chick pitched 9 seasons of pro ball 
with several teams including the Seattle Mariners.

The 2011 Dallas Patriots ETx 16U (Summer)

The Fall Team played a double header each Sunday, and completed the season 11-2.

C. J. with Josh Tomlin, pitcher for the Cleveland Indians, and part-time first base coach for the Patriots.

The 2011 Dallas Patriots ETx 16U (Fall)

Technical Info:  All images captured with a Canon 5D or 5D Mark II with 100-400 f/4.5-5.6 L USM lens.  Action photos were usually shot at 400 mm, at ISO 400, wide open, with shutter speeds between 1/1000 and 1/3200 sec.  All photos were processed in Adobe Lightroom 3.