It seems like we traveled all over the country this year watching High School baseball. And during that time I took over 7,500 baseball images; specifically of the Tyler Lee Red Raider JV team, and the East Texas Patriots 16U team. Of those 7,500 photos, these are my 12 favorite baseball shots of 2012. I hope you enjoy them. Spring baseball starts in about a month. See you there!
Peyton Conser delivers a pitch for the Patriots at Grayson Community College |
The Patriots' Sam Scarborough smashes a line drive at Craig Ranch |
Ryan Reandon homers for the Red Raiders against the Longview Lobos at Faulkner Park |
Colton Carter goes back to make the catch in deep left field at Grayson Community College |
C. J. Hodges takes third on a passed ball against T. K. Gorman in the Chapel Hill Tournament |
Mason Mallard slides into third with a triple in Oklahoma City |
Ben Romines takes a pitch just off the outside corner against Mesquite Horn |
Blake Adams is tagged out at the plate trying to score on a passed ball in Brenham, Tx |
C. J. Hodges turns on an inside pitch against the Longview Lobos at Faulkner Park |
Peyton Conser tags a runner at the plate during the WWBA 16U National Championships in Atlanta, Ga |
Patriot center-fielder Mason Mallard makes a diving catch in Oklahoma City |
William Rittenberry fires a fastball during the WWBA 16U National Championships in Atlanta, Ga |
Technical Info: All images captured
with a Canon 5D or 5D Mark II with 100-400 f/4.5-5.6 L USM lens. Action
photos were usually shot at 400 mm, at ISO 400, wide open, with shutter
speeds between 1/1000 and 1/3200 sec. All photos were processed in
Adobe Lightroom 3.